Tara, Dev Prakash Tandon, Aditya Verma, Ritu Malhotra, and Raghu, run their own band, and practice at Aditya’s dad’s studio. When an actress, Piya Anand, hears their number, she wants to join them, but Ritu rejects her, as she feels that Aditya may be falling for her. The group subsequently relent, let her join, and the inevitable happens when Aditya starts going out with Piya, with Raghu showing an interest in Ritu. They enter their band into a contest, compete, and qualify for the finals. Then they get devastating news when Ranjit Bose takes over the studio and threatens to demolish it. Things gets even worse when Piya finds out that Ranjit is her estranged dad, and will never permit her to take part either on the tinsel screen nor in a band.
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