Police Inspector Ram Yadav is a honest, handsome, and incorruptible young man. He lives with his sister-in-law, Shakuntala, and elder brother, Raj . A lovely yet petty thief, Pooja admires Ram so much that she moves in to his house in the guise of a maid-servant, and eventually claims that she is to bear his child. Ram, unable to handle this, agrees to marry her. His duties and investigation lead him to suspect the renowed and influential Appa Rao. Appa Rao is engraged at Ram, and watches and waits for an opportunity to strike back at him. Janardan (Mohnish Behl), Appa Rao’s spoiled and way-ward son, initially attempts to pick up a college-girl, when she refuses and humiliates him publicly, he retaliates by setting her on fire in broad daylight, in front of several college students. No one is bold enough to stop Janardan, nor even attempt to save the girl. When Ram finds out, he immediately arrests Janardan and holds him in custody.
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