This film tells the story of Mu Ling, a descendant of Prince Mu’s family, who embarks on an adventure to find his father. In order to realize her family’s long-cherished wish, she went to the treasure island, but met her ex-boyfriend Hu Sha and the pirate Song Ming with ulterior motives. On the island, they faced many dangers, including the pursuit of sand pythons, the siege of insect monsters, the rebellion of pirates, and the test of ancient institutions. Finally, they arrived at the small world inside the volcano and found the ancient treasure ship 200 years ago. Here, Mu Ling and others discovered the treasure, the sand python and her missing father. In the intertwining of family, love, ambition and desire, they must defeat the sand python to achieve their own redemption. Mu Ling reactivated the cannons and firearms in the ancient Ming Dynasty ship, set up deadly traps, and launched a final battle with the sand python.
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