Shanta Dhamle lives a wealthy lifestyle in Bombay along with her dad, Shamrao, and mom, Ansuya. She incurs their displeasure when she falls in love and gets married to a poor and overly sensitive writer, Gopal, who moves in with them, and continues to suffer verbal abuse at Shamrao’s hands. On the occasion of Holi, while his book ‘Agla Kadam’ is being published and marketed, he puts some color on a pregnant Shanta’s expensive Saree, which upsets her, she humiliates him, and he walks out. He starts writing under the pen name of Santosh, and when Shanta finds out, he changes his name to Vivek, and again to Chitrangh, and does not communicate with her. Four years later, a day before Holi, he has accumulated enough wealth, hundreds of expensive and colorful Sarees, a doll for his daughter,
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