Don Muthu Swami is one of Bombay’s most fearsome gangsters. On his deathbed, his father forces him to make a promise: that from now on he will lead a decent life. From that moment onwards, the don has a new purpose in life: to become Sir Muthu Swami instead. On of his new goals is to become fluent in Urdu, for which purpose he hires the young Jaikishan as a teacher. Don Muthu Swami has a beautiful daughter, Sanjana, whom he wants to get married to Pradhan, the son of his close friend. However, the don’s right hand man, Preetam, asks for her hand as well. To impress Don Muthu Swami, he claims to be very rich by stealing millions from his employer. Sanjana herself, on the other hand, is desperate to get married to Jaikishan, and to scare off Pradhan, she fakes to be pregnant. The Don believe Preetam must be the culprit, but as it turns out, the girl Preetam loves is not Sanjana, but another girl who claims to be Don Muthu Swami’s daughter, Ranjana.
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