Young Deepak Roy accidentally shoots his childhood friend, Suraj, and believing him to be dead, runs away from home. Quite unknown to him, Suraj has survived and is living with Deepak’s mom. Years later, Mrs. Roy is thrilled when she gets a telegram informing her of Deepak’s home-coming, and both Suraj and she go to Anandpuri railway station to welcome him back. Deepak arrives, he is welcomed, takes over the business, and the estate. He gets married to Rekha, who was at one time in love with Suraj. The years go by, Mrs. Roy has an accident and loses her vision, and then Rekha’s dad passes away, leaving her to care for her younger brother, Dobby. Although Dobby has never been to Rekha’s place, nor has he ever met Deepak, he knows all about the house, the belongings, the furniture, even the items in Deepak’s safe – he also knows a deadly secret that Deepak has kept from everyone – murder!!
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