Monica Kapoor lives a wealthy lifestyle in London, England. When she hears that her estranged brother, Kishan, has been killed while traveling in a train, she returns home to India and asks his much younger and drop dead gorgeous widow, Shobha, to move out so that she could sell the house, pick up the cash, return to London and get married to her boyfriend, Manoj. She does get to sell the house and compels Shobha to move in with Kishan’s friend, Amar, but Manoj steals the cash and disappears. Humbled by this incident, Monica also moves in with Amar and Shobha, as well as Amar’s younger brother, Chickoo, and ends up falling in love with Amar. She decides to marry him at the Registrar’s Office. When he does not show, she returns home and finds him getting intimate with Shobha.
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