After the passing away of her father, a local physician, Aarti takes it upon herself to dispense medicine, as well as sew clothes, and looks after a child named Kundan who has lost his legs to paralysis. She has a admirer in Arun, who secretly loves her, would like to marry her, but knows that he is poor and will be unable to afford a family, as he is a mere painter. Then an elderly man enters Aarti’s life, he is ill, she offers to look after him until he gets better and leaves, but he does not leave, as he has nowhere to go, and she allows him to stay. Then good luck smiles on them as Arun sells one of his paintings, and he is able to get artificial legs for the child. What Arun and Aarti do not know is that the elderly male is really a very wealthy man named Ambarprasad, who had run away from his home when he was accused of having sex with his protégé, a young woman, who he had brought up. The question is what is Ambarprasad up to now?
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