Mr. Rai is a wealthy businessman in Jammu, India, and lives in a palatial house with his wife, Shobha, a wheelchair-bound daughter, Ashu, a grown son, Rakesh, and a school-going son, Raju. His son despises him and is waiting him for to die, so that he can inherit all the wealth and spend it on dancing girls, alcohol, and gamblers. One day while Rai was returning from the Jammu & Kashmir Bank with a suitcase full of cash, he is attacked by bandits, but is rescued by a young man named Anand. Anand is injured in this attack and is nursed by Shobha and the rest of the Rai family. Rai himself trusts Anand and initially appoints him as a Chief Supervisor, very much to the chagrin of Rakesh, who attempts, in vain, to implicate Anand in the theft of 2 Lakh Rupees. Anand uses fisticuffs to convince a hoodlum named Girdhari to let go of Rai’s property.
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